
Friday, May 27, 2011

High Waters

Our sleepy little hometown is currently in a State of Emergency as rain water, along with spring runoff has burst the banks of the river.  We are not foreign to floods in this area but it never looses its sense of excitement, worry, loss, and a community pulling together to help one another.

(taken from my man's iphone)
 My man is serving in the front ranks of battle sandbagging, moving equipment, evacuating, pumping, etc.  Oh how I long to be there in the action, helping out.  Today my job is keeping our children warm and dry, safe from any harm, and making sure our little abode stays dry during this heavy rainfall.  One never knows how your landscape will react to heavy rainfall when not even a year ago it went through some major upheaval to make room for our home.  So far only some really good settling. 


  1. I hope you will all be safe. God bless!

  2. Oh no. You'll be in my thoughts. Be safe and keep us posted.

  3. Oh, my...Stay safe and hopefully everything will be okay! You are helping out by keeping your family safe! Keep us updated!

  4. You are so calm about it!!! I would be more than a little worried...but thank goodness you and your fam are all safe, you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us posted, my dear!

  5. i hope everything is ok!!! i lived in cedar rapids during that huge flood so i know all about that unfortunately :(

  6. natural disasters seem to be striking everyone lately! we are still recovering from tornadoes here in nc. you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about the storms. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and hope that everything is ok. :)
